
Short video interview with Griffith.mp4

Check out this video and get all the best insights to why you should study at Griffith University in Brisbane.

Short video interview with Macquarie.mp4

Check out this video and get the best insights from Macquarie in Sydney and why you should choose to study here.

Short video interview with University of West England - Bristol.mp4

Check out this video and get the best insights to why you should choose to study abroad at UWE in Bristol.

Short video interview with Nottingham Trent University.mp4

Check out this video, where you'll get the best pointers to why you should choose to study abroad in Nottingham.

Small interview with Green River College.mp4

Get the best insights if you're considering to study at Green River college in Auburn, Washington.

Small interview with Santa Monica College.mp4

Check out this video and get all the best tips and tricks if you're dreaming about studying in Santa Monica - a perfect location for your LA-adventure.

Small interview with Santa Barbara City College.mp4

Check out this video where you'll get all the best tips and insights about Santa Barbara City College in the southern part of sunny California.

Small interview with Hawaii Pacific University.mp4

A short interview with Hawaii Pacific University where we get the best insights and tips.

Opiskelu Australiassa - Webinaaritallenne 22.4.2020

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Vaihto-opinnot ulkomailla - Webinaaritallenne 18.3.2020

Infotunnin aiheina Maa- ja yliopistovaihtohdot Mitä yliopistokaupungeilla on tarjota opiskelijoille Milloin haku kannattaa aloittaa Mitä vaihto-opinnot maksavat

Nest Campervans - Stork

Go on an amazing road trip with a Nest campervan, model "Stork". Perfect for your Balkan adventure in Slovenia and neighboring countries.

Balkan campers - rent a retro campervan in the Balkans

Campervan rental in the Balkans. Get a retro campervan or a modern van for your adventure through the Balkans and the Adriatic region.